Swizzle Stick Collectors Club
Back Issues of Swizzle Quarterly
ISSUE 1 - Halloween 2019 - Mysterious Mon-Stirs, Ghosts, Catacombs stacked high with Skulls
Mysterious Monsters (or Mon-Stirs), Ghosts and Skeletons… Swizzlesticks are often the last record of these bars, restaurants and ad campaigns for alcoholic beverages. Catacombs stacked high with skulls were a fad with many bars featuring skulls, skeletons, coffins and more. We’ll start with the legend of a Tennessee Monster and its matching swizzle stick and then explore three Catacomb-themed bars and restaurants (in Chicago, Ohio and Mexico City); the last called Catacumbas.
This fad has seen a revival in recent times. Stacks of skulls. backlit with ultraviolet light, mark the entrance of Chicago’s Three Dots and a Dash and a swizzle stick with stacked skulls topping one of the beautiful swizzle sticks issued by the San Diego Tiki Bar, False Idol
ISSUE 321 - How to Date a Swizzle Stick: Lobsters, Ballerinas and Airlines
In this issue we’ll take a deep dive into the history of brand logos. We will examine (and attempt to “date”) swizzle sticks from United, Continental, Delta and Pan Am airlines respective logos. In Ripped from the Pages, we’ll revisit swizzle “evolution”. First, Cuba’s most famous nightclub, the Tropicana’s Ballerina as it evolved when produced by over the years by different plastics manufacturers; and second the design of the ubiquitous lobster swizzle stick.
ISSUE 320 - President Lincoln, Monkeys and Airplanes
Open the pages of the Swizzle Quarterly to enjoy a potpourri of articles (from TWA airline sticks to little-known swizzle stick manufacturers). And enjoy our “Ripped from the Pages” feature, where we dig into the history of former Chicago Swizzle Stick manufacturer Gits Molding. And answer questions such as Are you seeing Pink Elephants or Blue Mice and Pink Spiders? When can a poison bean become a treasured collector item?
ISSUE 317 - Going Banana's for Monkey Swizzle Sticks
In this issue we are going bananas for swizzle sticks! What does an airline with a bad reputation have to do with bananas? How did a tragic fire at a Las Vegas Casino lead to a Wizard of Oz Flying Monkey swizzle stick?
We’ll take a look at banana shaped swizzle sticks old and new and also take a deep dive into “banana-adjacent” monkey swizzle sticks. So stop swinging from that tree, and come with us on a banana and monkey extravaganza.
ISSUE 313 - Western Airlines, Harvey Girls, Million Dollar Swizzle Sticks
“One thing leads to another” is the theme of this issue:
How did the search for the story behind an Indian Chief lead to a Golden Angel?
How did a red blob on a swizzle stick turn into a love affair with an airline mascot?
How did James Bond using a swizzle in a champagne glass inadvertently contribute to the fall of the swizzle stick?
How looking for the collectors value of a swizzle turned into a million dollar answer?
Did the famous Andy's Diner have a train car ghost? Find out in International Swizzle Stick Collectors Association Swizzle Stick Quarterly - Issue 312, Road Signs, Traffic Signs and more
This Issue of the International Swizzle Stick Collectors Association Quarterly features two topics: Airline destination swizzle sticks for each airline route from United Airlines, TWA and Continental Airlines; and Umbrellas, glass umbrellas that is. Contributing editor Dom Pennock graces us with an article on the object of his affection: glass umbrella drink stirrers.
International Swizzle Stick Collectors Association - Issue 310 includes articles on Hueter, a swizzle stick manufacturer, Sky Vodka Eye Glasses and a reprint of an Article on Swizzle Stick Trends. Swizzles are a great piece of visual marketing, swizzle sticks have made a comeback—many of them with colorful, over-the-top designs. Leah Mennies calls it Swizzle Stick 2.0 and the bars that have adopted them as calling cards.
Major American Motels such as Holiday Inn, Howard Johnsons and Thunderbird were iconic symbols of the great American Highway.
Infamous Fires, Restaurants, Hotels and Designers
Featuring articles on swizzle sticks in Chicago: Famous former department store Marshall Fields Frango Mint Candy Scandal and the Ivanhoe Restaurant